Gupta, S., Mazza, M.C., Marín-Chollom, A.M., Pervil, I.Z., Hoyt, M.A., & Revenson, T.A.
The experience of financial stress among emerging adult cancer survivors.
Panjwani, A.A., Marín-Chollom, A.M., Pervil, I.Z., Erblich, J., Rubin, L., Schuster, M.W., & Revenson, T.A. Uncertainties tied to developmental tasks: A qualitative analysis among young adult survivors of hematologic cancers.
Panjwani, A.A. & Revenson, T.A.
To sleep or not-to-sleep: Psychological distress, intolerance of uncertainty and sleep among cancer caregivers.
Revenson, T.A. Discussant. In M. Creaven & T.A. Revenson (Chairs). Social relationships and health across the illness trajectory: Challenges of harnessing social support for health.